Recruit Information

Although we do not have a great many casual players, anyone is welcome to join the guild. Our requirements are simple:
• You need to be over 18.
• Don’t be crass, vile, or toxic.
We want to create and maintain a friendly guild that everyone is proud to be a part of. Be conscious that you have our guild name above your head when you’re out in the world. We want members who are as courteous to a random stranger as they are to their guildmates.

Tilted Gryphons

Tilted Gryphons is a PvE-focused semi-core raiding guild which looks for social and progression-oriented players in order to complete content in a timely manner and have a rowdy good time doing it! We don’t mind if you’re new to the game, or played since 2005, we have room for everyone if they’re willing to be a positive member of our community. We love to win - but don’t hate to lose. We love to overcome challenges and crest the mountain, but it’s not because we want to be there first, and it’s certainly not to look down on others still climbing.

• Be a visible name in the progression community.
• Be a welcoming and friendly environment that you want to play with every night.
• Clear all content as efficiently as we reasonably can.
• Uphold a reputation with the people we play with to keep Tilted Gryphons a name that’s synonymous with a positive community.

Guiding Philosophy
• People > Parses > Purples. We first and foremost want to have fun, and take into consideration someone’s social fitness and ability to jive with our atmosphere. If we don’t have fun raiding with someone, it won’t work out. Second to that, we look at performance metrics as objectively as we can, and are a group of self-improvers. There’s always room to grow, and we like people who tend to want to push the limits. Our very last consideration is the purples - the bounty of the raid is the friends you make along the way, and the shinies you get as a result shouldn’t be at the forefront of our mind every week.

Member Conduct:
• Emulate the Gryphon. Be friendly to others, don’t be a dick, contribute to the guild and server community in a way that would make everyone proud to be a part of it, and have a drive to take action when called upon.
• For our raiders, the willingness to improve - demonstrate an ability to better yourself and the raid! Sometimes this might require respecs and other times a role just might not fit our team. We try our best here.
• Be able to use Discord with push to talk if you’re interested in being an endgame player.


If you’d like to join as a raider, there are a great many more requirements. First and foremost, do we have an opening for your class?
We may be interested in picking up exceptional players regardless of whether we are actively recruiting a class, so if you’re really keen to join our guild specifically, feel free to try your luck!

Class Openings (edited on: 14 May ‘21):
Paladin [Open (Holy)]
Shaman [Open (Elemental)]
Druid [Closed] for tank and boomkin
Hunter [Closed]
Mage [Closed]
Priest [Closed]
Rogue [Closed]
Warlock [Closed]
Warrior [Closed]

Raid Times:
9pm-1am server time (Eastern, GMT-5) however raids rarely go the full time.
Tuesdays - Main raid night, content pushing.
Wednesdays - Overflow for anything we didn’t finish tuesday, or off raids.
Thursdays - GDKPs / Optional raids / Very extra night.

Current Progression:
Naxx 15/15 - 1st guild on the server to down Sapph with no WB’s (and with only 39 people) and that was our first kill.
AQ40 9/9 - one-shot C’thun the day the gates opened!
AQ20 6/6
BWL 8/8
MC 10/10
ZG 10/10

Requirements for a Core Raid Spot

• Have attunements.
• Maintain reliable attendance of at least 75%.
• Sign up on Discord with an appropriate reaction every raid.
• Have a headset and use a push-to-talk button.
• Install all required mods and keep them up to date.
• Meet any special requirements for your class - check your class channel in Discord.
• Review our Raider Expectations.
• Review our Loot System.
• Review our Guild Structure and Officers.
• Review our definition of what it means for us to be a semicore raiding guild.

Recruitment Process

You will have posted in the #new-recruits Discord channel. We will see this post and an officer will respond to you. If we want to recruit you, then you will need to complete an interview with a few others in voice chat. Don’t feel anxious about it, we just want to get to know you.

We will reach out to your previous guild and ask them about you. However we aren’t scary, we’re just trying to protect our guild and recruit people who share our attitude towards raiding and who seem like decent, kind people.

After an interview and some vetting, the officers will decide whether or not to accept you as a new recruit. As a War Fledgeling you’ll need to make a good impression on us. We are looking for skill at playing your class, your ability to listen, to work well with the other people of your class, your general attitude, and how well you mesh with our guild culture. This also affords you the time to assess us and whether you like our guild before making a more formal commitment. The trial period lasts a minimum of three weeks.

How to Join

If you’ve read this far bravo! Please go to our Discord and follow these directions:

  1. In the #read-me-first channel type: ?accept
  2. Then in the #new-recruits channel please post your character name, class, spec, and logs.
  3. Wait for an officer to get in touch with you. This may take a day.
    Once you’re in the guild in-game, you will then receive your rank in Discord and unlock all of the remaining channels! If you have any questions please feel free to DM an officer.