Raider Expectations

If we left everything up to luck or a magic 8-ball, we’d never get anywhere. Read this information so that you aren’t left guessing about what’s expected of you, and if you have a question, ASK IT!


We require you to maintain 75% attendance. We recognise that real life happens and that sometimes you won’t be able to make a raid. It isn’t a big deal, just sign up with the absent role and post in the Absent channel in Discord. (Roth and Kanute do the attendance sheet.)

This is a courtesy that we do expect you to extend to the officers who are volunteering a lot of their time to keep the guild running so that we can all raid. Give us information to work with, and don’t leave 39 other people wondering if you’re okay.

If you drop below 70% attendance you will most likely get demoted to Gryphon, and if you want to reclaim a Core Raider spot you will have to go through another three week trial period if we have an open spot for your class.


  • You must sign up for each raid every week with some sort of reaction. Look at the Raid Signups in Discord to do this.
  • You must post int he Absent channel in Discord if you can’t make a raid, a range of raids, or will be late.
  • You are expected to bring consumables and get world buffs, especially when we’re working on progression content.
  • Once a month when the Darkmoon Faire sets up, we encourage people to improve their parses and towards that goal, alts are not allowed that week. You are expected to get a minimum of two world buffs (DM buffs count as one). There will be the Darkmoon buff, Ony buff, Zanzil buff, and the Dire Maul buffs to obtain.

Required Mods

Not too much is required – we don’t want to dictate what your UI should look like – however the following addons are REQUIRED for raiding. Update them before raid night. Make sure you install the CLASSIC versions if there’s ever a choice.

-1- RCLootCouncil: Used for loot distribution. If you want to get loot, you need this.
-2- Deadly Boss Mods: Gives timers and warnings for fight mechanics. Required.
-3- ThreatClassic2: A threat meter which only works well if everyone in the raid has it installed. Do so!
-4- ClassicCastbars: Or any other kind of addon that shows enemy cast bars.
-5- Decursive: If you’re a decurse/dispelling class, a decursing addon of some sort for easy dispelling.
-6- Class Specifics: Please check with your Class Lead if they have specific mods that they require you to have installed.

  • Guild Roster Manager: This tells you who people’s mains are and lets us sync up our guild blacklist so you know who’s trouble.
  • Nova World Buffs: You can set this mod to silence all the guild chat spam that comes from other people with this mod. It’s very useful for letting you know when you can get another Darkmoon Faire buff, and really I wouldn’t want to try to track down a Songflower without it.
  • WeakAuras: A powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft’s user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information. See for all of the custom content.